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Ronald Greeley 35mm Slide Collection, The Jovian System

The Jovian system PDS bundle is only a subset of the 14,435 slides in the RGCPS that are currently being cataloged and digitized for online search. These images are unique to our collection and will be made available for download.

The PDS site for this collection:
PDS GeoSciences Node – Greeley Slide Collection

The sections below link to the collection hosted on the RGCPS site:

Bundle root directory

User’s Guide – See: asurgcps_slides_jovian_system_users_guide.pdf


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Callisto Collection
Europa Collection
Ganymede Collection
Io Collection
Jovian System and Misc Collection


This collection of 129 digitized 35mm slides, located in the document_callisto directory, consists of images and text slides describing Jupiter’s icy moon Callisto. While a small number of products include images from the NASA Voyager flybys of Callisto (1979-1980), most of the products in this collection come from the NASA Galileo mission, during its nominal and extended missions (1996- 2003).

Five slide sets were digitized in this collection (with the collection and set name in parentheses):
Set 1: Callisto, general diagrams/photos, set A (callisto_a)
Set 2: Callisto, general diagrams/photos, set B (callisto_b)
Set 3: Callisto, general diagrams/photos, set C (callisto_c)
Set 4: Callisto, diagrams/photos of crater features (callisto_crater)
Set 5: Callisto, diagrams/photos of Galileo images featured in press releases (callisto_gll)
Descriptive information is listed in the adocument_database directory files: callisto_diagram_database.pdf and callisto_photo_database.pdf

The Callisto Collection


This collection of 484 digitized 35mm slides consists of images and text slides describing Jupiter’s icy moon Europa. While a relatively small number of products include images from the NASA Voyager flybys of Europa (1979-1980), the vast majority of the products in this collection come from the NASA Galileo mission, during its nominal and extended missions (1996-2003).

Included in this collection are two sets of terrestrial analogs of ice flows and features. Set 3 contains 17 photos of ice features near Barrow, Alaska, taken during a field study with Greeley and colleagues. Set 29 contains 3 photographs of ice features and flows at an unknown site (it is possible that they were taken during the same conference).

Thirty-one slide sets were digitized in this collection (with the collection and set name in parentheses):
Set 1: Europa, general diagrams/photos, set A (europa_a)
Set 2: Europa, general diagrams/photos, set B (europa_b)
Set 3: Barrow, Alaska, Earth – photos of Europa analog site (europa_barrow) Set 4: Europa, general diagrams/photos, set C (europa_c)
Set 5: Europa, diagrams/photos of color Galileo images (europa_color)
Set 6: Europa, diagrams/photos of crater features, set A (europa_craters_a) Set 7: Europa, diagrams/photos of crater features, set B (europa_craters_a) Set 8: Europa, diagrams, set A (europa_diagrams_a)
Set 9: Europa, diagrams, set B (europa_diagrams_b)
Set 10: Europa, diagrams/photos of dome features (europa_dome)
Set 11: Europa, photos of features from Galileo orbit E-4 (europa_e_04) Set 12: Europa, photos of features from Galileo orbit E-6 (europa_e_06) Set 13: Europa, photos of features from Galileo orbit E-11 (europa_e_11)
Set 14: Europa, photos of features from Galileo orbit E-12 (europa_e_12) Set 15: Europa, photos of features from Galileo orbit E-14 (europa_e_14) Set 16: Europa, diagrams/photos of features from Galileo orbit E-15 (europa_e_15)
Set 17: Europa, diagrams/photos (europa_e_17)
Set 18: Europa, diagrams/photos (europa_g_01)
Set 19: Europa, diagrams/photos (europa_g_02)
Set 20: Europa, photos of Galileo (europa_gll_p_a)
Set 21: Europa, photos of Galileo (europa_gll_p_b)
Set 22: Europa, diagrams/photos set C (europa_gll_p_c)
Set 23: Europa, diagrams/photos (europa_maps)
Set 24: Europa, diagrams/photos (europa_mottled_terrain)
Set 25: Europa, diagrams/photos (europa_pull_apart)
Set 26: Europa, diagrams/photos
Set 27: Europa, diagrams/photos of triple band features (europa_tb)
Set 28: Earth, terrestrial analog photos of ice flows and forms (europa_terr_analog)
Set 29: Europa, diagrams/photos of Voyager images (europa_vgr)
Set 30: Europa, text slides, set A (europa_words_a)
Set 31: Europa, diagrams and text slides, set B (europa_words_b)
Descriptive information is listed in the document_database directory files: europa_diagram_database.pdf and europa_photo_database.pdf

The Europa Collection


This collection of 108 digitized 35mm slides consists of images and text slides describing Jupiter’s icy moon Ganymede. WhileasmallnumberofproductsincludeimagesfromtheNASAVoyagerflybysof Ganymede (1979-1980), most of the products in this collection come from the NASA Galileo mission, during its nominal and extended missions (1996-2003).

Six slide sets were digitized in this collection (with the collection and set name in parentheses):
Set 1: Ganymede, general diagrams/photos, unlabeled set 00 (ganymede_00)
Set 2: Ganymede, general diagrams/photos, set A (ganymede_a)
Set 3: Ganymede, general diagrams/photos, set B (ganymede_b)
Set 4: Ganymede, diagrams/photos of crater features (ganymede_craters)
Set 5: Ganymede, photos of Galileo images featured in press releases, set A (ganymede_gll_p_a)
Set 6: Ganymede, photos of Galileo images featured in press releases, set B (ganymede_gll_p_b)
Descriptive information is listed in the document_database directory files: ganymede_diagram_database.pdf and ganymede_photo_database.pdf

The Ganymede Collection

• IO

This collection of 292 digitized 35mm slides consists of images and text slides describing Jupiter’s volcanic moon Io. About half of the products are from the NASA Voyager flybys of Io (1979-1980) and many are Press Releases from NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, which have a corresponding P-number. The other half of the products in this collection come from the NASA Galileo mission, which were taken during its nominal and extended missions (1996-2003).

Twelve slide sets were digitized in this collection (with the collection and set name in parentheses):
Set 1: Io, general diagrams/photos, set 1 (io_01)
Set 2: Io, general diagrams/photos, set 2 (io_02)
Set 3: Io, general diagrams/photos, set 3 (io_03)
Set 4: Io, general diagrams/photos, set 4 (io_04)
Set 5: Io, general diagrams/photos, set A (io_a)
Set 6: Io, general diagrams/photos, set B (io_b)
Set 7: Io, Galileo photos featured in press releases, set A (io_gll_p_a)
Set 8: Io, Galileo diagrams/photos featured in press releases, set B (io_gll_p_b)
Set 9: Io, diagrams/photos of lava flow features (io_lava_flows)
Set 10: Io, diagrams/photos of volcanic flow features (io_volcanic_flows)
Set 11: Io, diagrams/photos of active volcanism features, set A (io_volcanism_active_a)
Set 12: Io, diagrams/photos of active volcanism features, set B (io_volcanism_active_b)
Descriptive information is listed in the document_database directory files: io_diagram_database.pdf and io_photo_database.pdf

The Io Collection


This collection of 245 digitized 35mm slides consists of images and text slides describing the planet Jupiter, its small satellites and rings, as well as a miscellaneous collection of slides not included in other collections (mostly Jupiter and the Galilean moons: Callisto, Europa, Io, and Ganymede). The collection includes pre- spacecraft artwork of the objects and images obtained by NASA missions Pioneer 10, Voyagers 1 and 2, Galileo, and Cassini (Jupiter flyby December 2000). Set 10 contains images and diagrams of the Shoemaker-Levy 9 impact into Jupiter. The document files name uses “jovsys” in the place of “body name”.

Eleven slide sets were digitized in this collection (with the collection and set name in parentheses):
Set 1: Jovian system and miscellaneous, general diagrams/photos, unlabeled set 00 (jovsys_00)
Set 2: Jovian system and miscellaneous, general diagrams/photos, set 01 (jovsys_01)
Set 3: Jovian system and miscellaneous, general diagrams/photos, set 02 (jovsys_02)
Set 4: Jovian system and miscellaneous, general diagrams/photos, set 03 (jovsys_03)
Set 5: Jovian system and miscellaneous, diagrams/photos of or related to the Galileo Mission (jovsys_galileo)
Set 6: Jovian system and miscellaneous, Galileo photos featured in press releases, set P (jovsys_gll_p)
Set 7: Jovian system and miscellaneous, Galileo diagrams/photos featured in press releases, set Press (jovsys_gll_press)
Set 8: Jovian system and miscellaneous, diagrams/photos of satellite features, set A (jovsys_satellites_a)
Set 9: Jovian system and miscellaneous, diagrams/photos of satellite features, set B (jovsys_satellites_b)
Set 10: Jovian system and miscellaneous, diagrams related to/photos of Shoemaker- Levy 9 (jovsys_sl_9)
Set 11: Jovian system and miscellaneous, photos from the Voyager 2 mission (jovsys_voyager_2)
Descriptive information is listed in the document_database directory files: jovian_system_and_misc_diagram_database.pdf jovian_system_and_misc_photo_database.pdf

The Jovian System And Misc Collection