RGCPS – The Collection
The Collection
The Ronald Greeley Center for Planetary Studies contains a collection of images, maps, research materials, books, and journals documenting current and historic planetary research. Photographs and negatives span the Apollo, Viking, and Voyager missions, among others. Planetary maps are hard copy publications from the USGS, and there is also an extensive collection of terrestrial geologic and topographic maps. Research materials are the products from visiting scientists, post-docs, and graduate students. The books include US and international publications regarding planetary exploration, missions, and geologic processes. There are also several journals that date back decades, such as Journal of Geophysical Research, Icarus, Science, and Nature, as well as the published proceedings and abstracts from national conferences.
This vast collection is currently being cataloged and digitized for online search. Eventually, many of the maps and images that are unique to our collection will be made available for download.
• KOHA: a searchable database
Search the RGCPS Library – Click the link to search for a book title.
The RGCPS is in the process up cataloging our entire collection of books and entering the information into a searchable database. We are using KOHA, and open source library system that references the metadata of published materials. Our database is still incomplete, but is available for searching for the current entries.
Koha Library Software – Official KOHA site.
• Library
The RGCPS library consists of books and journals which cover planetary bodies, and geologic processes, and manned and robotic space missions.
We are in the process of cataloging our entire collection, following the classification schema of the US Library of Congress.
• Photographs
The photographs in the RGCPS collection have been gathered from historic mission productions. These include Apollo metric and panoramic frames (prints and negatives), Lunar Orbiter, and the Viking Orbiters and Viking Landers.
In addition, we have generated thousands of image products in house.