Dr. David A. Williams
Ruesch, O., L. C. Quick, M. Landis, M. Sori, O. Čadek, P. Brož, K. Otto, M. T. Bland, S. Byrne, J. C. Castillo-Rogez, H. Hiesinger, R. Jaumann, K. Krohn, L. A. McFadden, A. Nathues, A. Neesemann, F. Preusker, T. Roatsch, P. M. Schenk, J. Scully, M.V. Sykes, D.A. Williams, C. A. Raymond and C. T. Russell, 2018. Bright carbonate surfaces on Ceres as remnants of salt-rich water fountains, Icarus, corrected proof published online, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.icarus.2018.01.022.
Bland, M.T., A. Ermakov, C.A. Raymond, D.A. Williams, T. Bowling, F. Preusker, R. Park, S. Marchi, J. Castillo-Rogez, C.T. Russell, 2018. Morphological indicators of a mascon beneath Ceres’ largest crater, Kerwan, Geophys. Res. Lett., 45, 1297-1304, https://doi.org/10.1002/2017GL075526.
Scully, J.E.C., D.L. Buczkowski, A. Neesemann, D.A. Williams, S.C. Mest, C. A. Raymond, K.H.G. Hughson, T. Kneissl, J. H. Pasckert, O. Ruesch, A. Frigeri, A. Nass, S. Marchi, J-P. Combe, N. Schmedemann, B.E. Schmidt, H.T. Chilton, C. T. Russell, A.I. Ermakov, R. Jaumann, M. Hoffmann, A. Nathues, C. M. Pieters, T. Platz, F. Preusker, T. Roatsch, M. Schaefer, 2018. Ceres’ Ezinu quadrangle: A heavily cratered region with evidence for localized subsurface water ice and the context for Occator crater, Icarus, corrected proof published online, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.icarus.2017.10.038.
Schulzeck, F., K. Krohn, I.v.d. Gathen, N. Schmedemann, K. Stephan, R. Jaumann, D.A. Williams, D.L. Buczkowski, S.C. Mest, J.E.C. Scully, E. Kersten, K.-D. Matz, A. Nass, F. Preusker, T. Roatsch, C.A. Raymond, C.T. Russell, 2018. Geologic mapping of the Ac-11 Sintana quadrangle: Assessing diverse crater morphologies, Icarus, corrected proof published online, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.icarus.2017.12.007.
Stephan, K., R. Jaumann, F. Zambon, F.G. Carrozzo, R. Wagner, M.C. De Sanctis, F. Tosi, E. Ammannito, A. Longobardo, E. Palomba, L.A. McFadden, K. Krohn, F. Schulzeck, I. von der Gathen, D. Williams, N. Schmedemann, A. Neesemann, J. Scully, T. Roatsch, K.-D. Matz, F. Preusker, C.A. Raymond, C.T. Russell, 2018. Ceres’ impact craters – relationships between surface composition and geology, Icarus, corrected proof published online, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.icarus.2017.10.013.
Hughson, K.H.G., C.T. Russell, D.A. Williams, D.L. Buczkowski, S.C. Mest, J.H. Pasckert, J.E.C. Scully, J.-P. Combe, T. Platz, O. Ruesch, F. Preusker, R. Jaumann, A. Nass, T. Roatsch, A. Nathues, M. Schaefer, B.E. Schmidt, H.T. Chilton, A. Ermakov, L.A. McFadden, 2017, The Ac-H-5 (Fejokoo) quadrangle of Ceres: Geologic map and geomorphological evidence for ground ice mediated surface processes, Icarus, corrected proof published online, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.icarus.2017.09.035.
Krohn, K., R. Jaumann, K.A. Otto, F. Schulzeck, A. Neesemann, A. Nass, K. Stephan, F. Tosi, R.J. Wagner, F. Zambon, I. von der Gathen, D.A. Williams, D.L. Buczkowski, M.C. De Sanctis, E. Kersten, K.-D. Matz, S.C. Mest, C.M. Pieters, F. Preusker, T. Roatsch, J.E.C. Scully, C.T. Russell, C. A. Raymond, 2018, The unique geomorphology and structural geology of the Haulani crater of dwarf planet Ceres as revealed by geological mapping of equatorial quadrangle Ac-6 Haulani, Icarus, corrected proof published online, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.icarus.2017.09.014.
Palomba, E., A. Longobardo, M.C. De Sanctis, F.G. Carrozzo, A. Galiano, F. Zambon, A. Raponi, M. Ciarnello, K. Stephan, D.A. Williams, E. Ammannito, M.T. Capria, S. Fonte, M. Giardino, F. Tosi, C. Raymond, C. Russell, 2018. Mineralogical mapping of the Kerwan quadrangle of Ceres, Icarus, corrected proof published online, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.icarus.2017.07.021.
Ruesch, O., L.A. McFadden, D.A. Williams, K.H.G. Hughson, J.H. Pasckert, J. Scully, T. Kneissl, T. Roatsch, T. Platz, F. Preusker, N. Schmedemann, S. Marchi, H. Hiesinger, R. Jaumann, A. Nathues, C.A. Raymond, C.T. Russell, 2018, Geology of Ceres’ north pole quadrangle with Dawn FC imaging data, Icarus, corrected proof published online, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.icarus.2017.09.036.
Stephan, K., R. Jaumann, F. Zambon, F.G. Carrozzo, M.C. De Sanctis, F. Tosi, A. Longobardo, E. Palomba, E. Ammannito, L.A. McFadden, K. Krohn, D. Williams, A. Raponi, M. Ciarnello, J.-Ph. Combe, A. Frigeri, T. Roatsch, K.-D. Matz, F. Preusker, C.A. Raymond, C.T. Russell, 2017. Spectral investigation of quadrangle AC-H 3 of the dwarf planet Ceres – The region of impact crater Dantu, Icarus, corrected proof published online, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.icarus.2017.07.019.
Buczkowski, D.L., D.A. Williams, J.E.C. Scully, S.C. Mest, D.A. Crown, P.M. Schenk, R. Jaumann, T. Roatsch, F. Preusker, T. Platz, A. Nathues, M. Hoffman, M. Schaefer, S. Marchi, M.C. De Sanctis, C.A. Raymond, C.T. Russell, 2017. The geology of the Occator Quadrangle of dwarf planet Ceres: Floor-fractured craters and other geomorphic evidence of cryomagmatism, Icarus, corrected proof published online, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.icarus.2017.05.025.
Pasckert, J.H., H. Hiesinger, O. Ruesch, D.A. Williams, T. Kneissl, S.C. Mest, D.L. Buczkowski, J.E.C. Scully, N. Schmedemann, R. Jaumann, T. Roatsch, F. Preusker, A. Nass, A. Nathues, M. Hoffman, M. Schaefer, M.C. De Sanctis, C.A. Raymond, C.T. Russell, 2017. Geologic mapping of the Ac-2 Coniraya Quadrangle of Ceres from NASA’s Dawn Mission: Implications for a heterogeneously composed crust, Icarus, corrected proof published online, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.icarus.2017.06.015.
Williams, D.A., T. Kneissl, A. Neesemann, S.C. Mest, E. Palomba, T. Platz, A. Nathues, A. Longobardo, J.E.C. Scully, A. Ermakov, R. Jaumann, D.L. Buczkowski, M. Schäfer, G. Thangjam, C.M. Pieters, T. Roatsch, F. Preusker, S. Marchi, N. Schmedemann, H. Hiesinger, A. Frigeri, C.A. Raymond, C.T. Russell, 2017, The geology of the Kerwan quadrangle of dwarf planet Ceres: Investigating Ceres’ oldest impact basin, Icarus, corrected proof published online, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.icarus.2017.08.015.
Platz, T., A. Nathues, H.G. Sizemore, D.A. Crown, M. Hoffmann, M. Schaefer, N. Schmedemann, T. Kneissl, A. Neesemann, S.C. Mest, D.L. Buczkowski, O. Ruesch, K.H.G. Hughson, A. Nass, D.A. Williams, F. Pruesker, 2017. Geological mapping of the Ac-10 Rongo Quadrangle of Ceres, Icarus, corrected proof published online, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.icarus.2017.08.001.
Crown, D.A., H.G. Sizemore, R.A. Yingst, S.C. Mest, T. Platz, D.C. Berman, N. Schmedemann, D.L. Buczkowski, D.A. Williams, T. Roatsch, F. Preusker, C.A. Raymond, C.T. Russell, and the Dawn Science Team, 2017. Geologic mapping of the Urvara and Yalode Qudrangles of Ceres, Icarus, corrected proof published online, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.icarus.2017.08.004.
Williams, D.A., D.L. Buczkowski, S.C. Mest, J.E.C. Scully, T. Platz, T. Kneissl, 2017, Introduction: The geological mapping of Ceres, Icarus, corrected proof published online, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.icarus.2017.05.004.
Sizemore, H.G., T. Platz, N. Schorghofer, T.H. Prettyman, M.C. De Sanctis, D.A. Crown, N. Schmedemann, A. Neeseman, T. Kneissi, S. Marchi, P.M. Schenk, M.T. Bland, B.E. Schmidt, K.H.G. Hughson, F. Tosi, F. Zambon, S.C. Mest, R.A. Yingst, D.A. Williams, C.T. Russell, C. A. Raymond, 2017, Pitted Terrain on Dwarf Planet Ceres: Morphological evidence for shallow volatiles at low and mid latitudes, Geophys. Res. Lett., 44, 6570–6578, doi:10.1002/2017GL073970.
Bleacher, J.E., T.R. Orr, A.P. de Wet, J.R. Zimbelman, C.W. Hamilton, W.B. Garry, L.S. Crumpler, D.A. Williams, 2017. Plateaus and sinuous ridges as the fingerprints of lava flow inflation in the eastern Tharsis Plains of Mars, J. Volc. Geotherm. Res., 342, 29-46.
Birch, S.P.D., A.G. Hayes, W. Dietrich, A.D. Howard, C. Bristow, M.J. Malaska, J. Moore, M. Mastrogiuseppe, J.D. Hofgartner, D.A. Williams, O. White, J. Soderblom, J.W. Barnes, E. Turtle, J.I. Lunine, C. Wood, C.D. Neish, R. Kirk, E. Stofan, R.D. Lorenz, and R.M.C. Lopes, 2017, Geomorphologic mapping of Titan’s polar terrains: Constraining Surface Processes and Landscape Evolution, Icarus, 282, 214-236.
Krohn, K., R. Jaumann. K. Stephan, K.A. Otto, N. Schmedemann, R.J. Wagner. K.-D. Matz, F. Tosi, F. Zambon, I. von der Gathen, F. Schulzeck, S.E. Schröder, D.L. Buczkowski, H. Hiesinger, H.Y. McSween, C.M. Pieters, F. Preusker, T. Roatsch, C.A. Raymond, C.T. Russell, D.A. Williams, 2016, Cryogenic flow features on Ceres – Implications for crater-related cryovolcanism, Geophys. Res. Lett., in press, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/2016GL070370.
Buczkowski, D.L., B.E. Schmidt, D.A. Williams, S. Mest, J.E.C. Scully, A. Ermakov, F. Preusker, P. Schenk, K.A. Otto, H. Hiesinger, D. O’Brien, S. Marchi, H. Sizemore, K. Hughson, H. Chilton, M. Bland, S. Byrne, N. Schorghofer, T. Platz, R. Jaumann, T. Roatsch, M.V. Sykes, A. Nathues, M.C. De Sanctis, C.A. Raymond, C.T. Russell, 2016, The geomorphology of Ceres, Science, 353, http://dx.doi.org/10.1126/science.aaf4332.
Hiesinger, H., S. Marchi, N. Schmedemann, P. Schenk, J.H. Pasckert, A. Neesemann, D.P. O’Brien, T. Kneissl, A.I. Ermakov, R.R. Fu, M.T. Bland, A. Nathues, T. Platz, D.A. Williams, R. Jaumann, J.C. Castillo-Rogez, O. Ruesch, B. Schmidt, R.S. Park, F. Preusker, D.L. Buczkowski, C.T. Russell, C.A. Raymond, 2016, Cratering on Ceres: Implications for its crust and evolution, Science, 353, http://dx.doi.org/10.1126/science.aaf4759.
Ruesch, O., T. Platz, P. Schenk, L.A. McFadden, J.C. Castillo-Rogez, L.C. Quick, S. Byrne, S. Byrne, F. Preusker, D.P. O’Brien, N. Schmedemann, D.A. Williams, J.-Y. Li, M.T. Bland, H. Hiesinger, T. Kneissl, A. Neesemann, M. Schaefer, J.H. Pasckert, B.E. Schmidt, D.L. Buczkowski, M.V. Sykes, A. Nathues, T. Roatsch, M. Hoffmann, C.A. Raymond, C.T. Russell, 2016, Cryovolcanism on Ceres, Science, 353, http://dx.doi.org/10.1126/science.aaf4286.
Marchi, S., A.I. Ermakov, C.A. Raymond, R.R. Fu, D.P. O’Brien, M.T. Bland, E. Ammannito, M.C. De Sanctis, T. Bowling, P. Schenk, J.E.C. Scully, D.L. Buczkowski, D.A. Williams, H. Hiesinger, and C.T. Russell, 2016. The missing large impact craters on Ceres, Nat. Comm., http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/ncomms12257.
Li, J.-Y., V. Reddy, A. Nathues, L. Le Corre, M.R.M. Izawa, E.A. Cloutis, M.V. Sykes, U. Carsenty, J.C. Castillo-Rogez, M. Hoffmann, R. Jaumann, K. Krohn, S. Mottola, T.H. Prettyman, M. Schaefer, P. Schenk, S.E. Schröder, D.A. Williams, D.E. Smith, M.T. Zuber, A.S. Konopliv, R.S. Park, C.A. Raymond, C.T. Russell, 2016, Surface Albedo and Spectral Variability of Ceres, Ap. J. Lett., 817, http://dx.doi.org/10.3847/2041-8205/817/2/L22.
Malaska, M.J., R.M.C. Lopes, D.A. Williams, C.D. Neish, A. Solomonidou, J.M. Soderblom, A.M. Schoenfeld, S.P. Birch, A.G. Hayes, A. Le Gall, M.A. Janssen, T.G. Farr, R.D. Lorenz, J. Radebaugh, E.P. Turtle, 2016, Geomorphological map of the Afekan Crater region, Titan: Terrain relationships in the equatorial and mid-latitude regions, Icarus, 270, 130-161, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.icarus.2016.02.021.
Musiol, S., E.P. Holohan, B. Cailleau, T. Platz, A. Dumke, T.R. Walter, D.A. Williams, and S. van Gasselt, 2016, Lithospheric flexure and gravity spreading of Olympus Mons volcano, Mars, J. Geophys. Res., 121, doi:10.1002/2015JE004896.
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de Pater, I., C. Laver, A.G. Davies, K. de Kleer, D.A. Williams, R.R. Howell, J.A. Rathbun, J.R. Spencer, 2016, Io: Eruptions at Pillan, and the time evolution of Pele and Pillan from 1996 to 2015, Icarus, 264, 198-212, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.icarus.2015.09.006.
Cataldo, V., Williams, D.A., Dundas, C.M., and Keszthelyi, L.P., 2015, Limited role for thermal erosion by turbulent lava in proximal Athabasca Valles, Mars, J. Geophys. Res., 120, 1800-1900, doi:10.1002/2104JE004761.
Burr, D.M., Bridges, N.T., Smith, J.K., Marshall, J.R., White, B.R., Williams, D.A., 2015, The Titan Wind Tunnel: A new tool for investigating extraterrestrial aeolian exvironments, Aeolian Research, 18, 205-214.
Jaumann, R., D. Tirsch, E. Hauber, V. Ansan, G. Di Achille, G. Erkeling, F. Fueten, J. Head, M.G. Kleinhans, N. Mangold, G.G. Michael, G. Neukum, A. Pacifici, T. Platz, M. Pondrelli, J. Raack, D. Reiss, D.A. Williams, S. Adeli, D. Baratoux, G. de Villers, B. Foing, S. Gupta, K. Gwinner, H. Hiesinger, H. Hoffmann, L. Le Deit, L. Marinangeli, K.-D. Matz, V. Mertens, J.P. Muller, J.H. Pasckert, T. Roatsch, A.P. Rossi, F. Scholten, M. Sowe, J. Voigt, N. Warner, 2015, Quantifying Geological Processes on Mars – Results of the High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC) on Mars Express, Planet. Space Sci., 112, p. 53-97, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.pss.2014.11.029.
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Lopes, R.M.C., and Williams, D.A., 2015, Volcanism on Io, in The Encyclopedia of Volcanoes, Elsevier, p. 747-762, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-385938-9.00043-2.
Veeder, G.J., A.G. Davies, D.L. Matson, T.V. Johnson, D.A. Williams, J. Radebaugh, 2015, Io: Heat flow from small volcanic features, Icarus, 245, 379-410, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.icarus.2014.07.028.
Williams, D.A., R.A. Yingst, W.B. Garry, 2014, Introduction: The geologic mapping of Vesta, Icarus, 244, 1-12, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.icarus.2014.03.001.
Williams, D.A., B.W. Denevi, D.W. Mittlefehldt, S.C. Mest, P.M. Schenk, R.A. Yingst, D.L. Buczkowski, J.E.C. Scully, W.B. Garry, T.B. McCord, J.-Ph. Combe, R. Jaumann, C.M. Pieters, A. Nathues, L. Le Corre, M. Hoffmann, V. Reddy, T. Roatsch, F. Preusker, S. Marchi, T. Kneissl, N. Schmedemann, G. Neukum, H. Hiesinger, M.C. De Sanctis, E. Ammannito, A. Frigeri, T.H. Prettyman, C.T. Russell, C.A. Raymond, and the Dawn Science Team, 2014, The Geology of the Marcia Quadrangle of Asteroid Vesta: Assessing the Effects of Large, Young Craters, Icarus, 244, 74-88, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.icarus.2014.01.033.
Williams, D.A., R. Jaumann, H.Y. McSween, Jr., C.A. Raymond, S. Marchi, N. Schmedemann, C.T. Russell, 2014, The chronostratigraphy of protoplanet Vesta, Icarus, 244, 158-165, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.icarus.2014.06.027.
Blewett, D.T., D.L. Buczkowski, O. Ruesch, J.E.C. Scully, H. Hiesinger, D.P. O’Brien, R. Gaskell, T. Roatsch, D.A. Williams, 2014, Vesta’s north polar quadrangle Av-1 (Albana): Geologic map and the nature of the south polar basin antipodes, Icarus, 244, 13-22, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.icarus.2014.03.007.
Scully, J.E.C., A. Yin, C.T. Russell, D.L. Buczkowski, D.A. Williams, D.T. Blewett, O. Ruesch, H. Hiesinger, C.M. Mercer, L. Le Corre, W.B. Garry, R.A. Yingst, R. Jaumann, T. Roatsch, F. Preusker, R.W. Gaskell, S.E. Schröder, E. Ammannito, C.M. Pieters, C.A. Raymond, and the Dawn Science Team, 2014, Saturnalia Fossa group of fossae and additional structures in Vesta’s Northern Hemisphere, Icarus, 244, 23-40, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.icarus.2014.01.013.
Ruesch, O., H. Hiesinger, D.T. Blewett, J. Scully, D. Buczkowski, D.A. Williams, R.A. Yingst, C.T. Russell, and C.A. Raymond, 2014, Geologic map of the northern hemisphere of Vesta based on Dawn FC images, Icarus, 244, 41-59, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.icarus.2014.01.035.
Schaefer, M., L. Le Corre, A. Nathues, D.W. Mittlefehldt, D.L. Buczkowski, D.A. Williams, M. Hoffmann, T. Kneissl, G.S. Thanjam, V. Reddy, N. Schmedemann, J.E.C. Scully, T. Schaefer, J.-Y. Li, W.B. Garry, K. Krohn, R.A. Yingst, R. Gaskell, C.T. Russell, 2014, Imprint of the Rheasilvia impact on Vesta – Geologic mapping of quadrangles Gegania and Lucaria, Icarus, 244, 60-73, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.icarus.2014.06.026.
Buczkowski, D.L., Wyrick, D.Y., Yingst, R.A., Williams, D.A., Garry, W.B., Mest, S., Kneissl, T., Scully, J.E.C., Nathues, A., Le Corre, L., Reddy, V., De Sanctis, M.C., Ammanitto, E., Frigeri, A., Preusker, F., Roatsch, T., Raymond, C.A., Jaumann, R., Pieters, C.M., Russell, C.T., 2014, The Geology of Vesta Quadrangle Av-9 Numisia: Evaluating the unique geomorphology and physical properties of the Vestalia Terra plateau, Icarus, 244, 89-103, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.icarus.2014.03.035.
Garry, W.B., D.A. Williams, R.A. Yingst, S.C. Mest, D.L. Buczkowski, F. Tosi, M. Schaefer, L. Le Corre, V. Reddy, R. Jaumann, C.M. Pieters, C.T. Russell, C.A. Raymond, and the Dawn Science Team, 2014, The geology of the Oppia quadrangle (Av-10) of asteroid (4) Vesta: Determining a relative stratigraphy and relative geologic timescale through geologic mapping, Icarus, 244, 104-119, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.icarus.2014.08.046.
Krohn, K., R. Jaumann, K.Otto, K. Stephan, R. Wagner, D.L. Buczkowski, B. Garry, D.A. Williams, R.A. Yingst, J. Scully, M.C. De Sanctis, T. Kneissl, N. Schmedemann, E. Kersten, K.-D. Matz, C.M. Pieters, F. Preusker, T. Roatsch, P. Schenk, C.T. Russell, C.A. Raymond, 2014, Mass movement on Vesta at steep scarps and crater rims, Icarus, 244, 120-132, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.icarus.2014.03.013.
Kneissl, T., N. Schmedemann, V. Reddy, D.A. Williams, S. Walter, A. Neesemann, R. Jaumann, K. Krohn, F. Preusker, T. Roatsch, L. Le Corre, A. Nathues, M. Hoffmann, M. Schäfer, D. Buczkowski, W.B. Garry, R.A. Yingst, S. Mest, C.T. Russell, C.A. Raymond, 2014, Geology of the Quadrangle Av-13 Tuccia, Vesta – Morphology and formation ages of mid-sized post-Rheasilvia craters, Icarus, 244, 133-157, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.icarus.2014.02.012.
Williams, D.A., D.P. O’Brien, P.M. Schenk, B.W. Denevi, U. Carsenty, S. Marchi, J.E.C. Scully, R. Jaumann, M.C. De Sanctis, E. Palomba, E. Ammannito, A. Longobardo, G. Magni8, A. Frigeri, C.T. Russell, C.A. Raymond, T.M. Davison, and the Dawn Science Team, 2014, Lobate and flow-like features on asteroid Vesta, Planet. Space Sci., 103, 24-35, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.pss.2013.06.017.
Marchi, S., W.F. Bottke, D.P. O’Brien, P. Schenk, S. Mottola, M.C. De Sanctis, D.A. Williams, C.A. Raymond, C.T. Russell, 2014, Small crater populations on Vesta, Planet. Space Sci., 103, 96-103, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.pss.2013.05.005.
Yingst, R.A., S.C. Mest, D.C. Berman, W.B. Garry, D.A. Williams, D. Buczkowski, R. Jaumann, C.M. Pieters, M.C. De Sanctis, A. Frigeri, L. Le Corre, F. Preusker, C.A. Raymond, V. Reddy, C.T. Russell, T. Roatsch, and P.M. Schenk, 2014, Geologic mapping of Vesta, Planet. Space Sci., 103, 2-23, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.pss.2013.12.014.
Jaumann, R., A. Nass, K. Otto, K. Krohn, K. Stephan, T.B. McCord, D.A. Williams, C.A. Raymond, D.T. Blewett, H. Hiesinger, R.A. Yingst, M.C. De Sanctis, E. Palomba, T. Roatsch, K.-D. Matz, F. Preusker, F. Scholten, C.T. Russell, 2014, The geological nature of dark material on Vesta and implications for the subsurface structure, Icarus, 240, 3-19, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.icarus.2014.04.035.
Russell, C.T., C.A. Raymond, R. Jaumann, H.Y. McSween, M.C. De Sanctis, A. Nathues, T.H. Prettyman, E. Ammannito, V. Reddy, F. Preusker, D.P. O’Brien, S. Marchi, B.W. Denevi, D.L. Buczkowski, C.M. Pieters, T.B. McCord, J.-Y. Li, D.W. Mittlefehldt, J.-Ph. Combe, D.A. Williams, H. Hiesinger, R.A. Yingst, C.A. Polansky, and S.P. Joy, 2013, Dawn completes its mission at 4 Vesta, Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 48, 2076-2089.
Byrne, P.K., C. Klimczak, D.A. Williams, D.M. Hurwitz, S.C. Solomon, J.W. Head, F. Preusker, J. Oberst, 2013, An Assemblage of Lava Flow Features on Mercury, J. Geophys. Res., 118, 1-20, doi:10.1002/jgre.20052.
Hamilton, C.W., C.D. Beggan, S. Still, M. Beuthe, R.M.C. Lopes, D.A. Williams, J. Radebaugh, and W Wright, 2013, Spatial distribution of volcanoes on Io: Implications for tidal heating and magma ascent. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 361, 272-286, doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2012.10.032.
McCord, T.B., Li, J.-Y., Combe, J.-Ph., McSween, H.Y., Jaumann, R., Reddy, V., Tosi, F., Williams, D.A., Blewett, D.T., Turrini, D., Palomba, E., Pieters, C.M., De Sanctis, M.C., Ammannito, E., Capria, M.T., Le Corre, L., Longobardo, A., Nathues, A., Mittlefehldt, D.W., Schröder, S.E., Hiesinger, H., Beck, A.W., Capaccioni, F., Carsenty, U., Keller, H.U., Denevi, B.W., Sunshine, J.M., Raymond, C.A. and Russell, C.T., 2012, Dark Material on Vesta from the infall of carbonaceous volatile-rich material, Nature, 491, 83-86, doi:10.1038/nature11561.
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Jaumann, R., D.A. Williams, D.L. Buczkowski, R.A. Yingst, F. Preusker, H. Hiesinger, N. Schmedemann, T. Kneissl, J.B. Vincent, D.T. Blewett, B.J. Buratti, U. Carsenty, B.W. Denevi, C.M. De Sanctis, W.B. Garry, H.U. Keller, E. Kersten, K. Krohn, J.-Y. Li, S. Marchi, K.D. Matz, T.B. McCord, H.Y. McSween, S.C. Mest, D.W. Mittlefehldt, S. Mottola, A. Nathues, G. Neukum, D.P. O’Brien, C.M Pieters, T.H. Prettyman, C.A. Raymond, T. Roatsch, C.T. Russell, P. Schenk, B.E Schmidt, F. Scholten, K. Stephan, M.V. Sykes, P. Tricario, R. Wagner, M. T. Zuber, H. Sierks, 2012, Vesta’s Shape and Morphology, Science, 336, 687-690.
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Lopes, R.M.C., Mitchell, K.L., Williams, D., and Mitri, G., 2010, Beyond Earth: How extra-terrestrial volcanism has changed our definition of a volcano, in Cañón-Tapia, E., and Szakács, A., eds., What Is a Volcano?: Geological Society of America Special Paper 470, p. 11-30, doi: 10.1130/2010.2470(02).
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Williams, D.A., R. Greeley, L. Manfredi, R. Fergason, J.-P. Combe, F. Poulet, P. Pinet, C. Rosemberg, H. Clenet, T.B. McCord, J. Raitala, G. Neukum, 2010a, Surface-Compositional Properties of the Malea Planum Region of the Circum-Hellas Volcanic Province, Mars, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 294, 451-465.
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Leone, G. A.G. Davies, L. Wilson, D.A. Williams, L.P. Keszthelyi, W.L. Jaeger, and E.P. Turtle, 2009, Volcanic history, geologic analysis and map of the Prometheus Patera region on Io, J. Volcan. Geotherm. Res., 187, 93-105.
Bleacher, J.E., L.S. Glaze, R. Greeley, E. Hauber, S.M. Baloga, S.E.H. Sakimoto, D.A. Williams, T.D. Glotsch, 2009, Spatial and alignment analyses for a field of small volcanic vents south of Pavonis Mons and implications for the Tharsis province, Mars, J. Volcan. Geotherm. Res., 185, 96-102.
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Williams, D.A., R. Greeley, R.L. Fergason, R. Kuzmin, T.B. McCord, J-Ph. Combe, J.W. Head III, L. Xiao, L. Manfredi, F. Poulet, P. Pinet, D. Baratoux, J.J. Plaut, J. Raitala, G. Neukum, and the HRSC Co-Investigator Team, 2009, The Circum-Hellas Volcanic Province: Overview, Planet. Space Sci., 57, 895-916, doi: 10.1016/j.pss.2008.08.010.
Williams, D. A., R. Greeley, S. C. Werner, G. Michael, D. A. Crown, G. Neukum, and J. Raitala, 2008, Tyrrhena Patera: Geologic history derived from Mars Express High Resolution Stereo Camera, J. Geophys. Res., 113, E11005, doi:10.1029/2008JE003104.
Stanzel, C., M. Pätzold, D.A. Williams, P.L. Whelley, R. Greeley, G. Neukum and the HRSC Co-Investigator Team, 2008, Comparison of Martian dust devils characteristics observed by the Mars Express High Resolution Stereo Camera and the Mars Exploration Rover Spirit, Icarus, 197, 39-51.
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Oberst, J., G. Schwarz, T. Behnke, H. Hoffmann, K.-D. Matz, J. Flohrer, H. Hirsch, T. Roatsch, F. Scholten, E. Hauber, B. Brinkmann, R. Jaumann, D. Williams, R. Kirk, T. Duxbury, C. Leu, G. Neukum, 2008, The imaging performance of the SRC on Mars Express, Planetary and Space Science, 56, 473-491.
Williams, D.A., J.E. Bleacher, V.A. Zabala-Aliberto, A.A. Zabala, P.L. Whelley, S.R. Cave, and R. Greeley, 2007, Kissing Mars rocks with the Rover’s RATs: An educational exercise to understand drilling rock on Mars, The Earth Scientist, XXVI #4, 13-19.
Williams, D.A., R. Greeley, W. Zuschneid, S.C. Werner, G. Neukum, D.A. Crown, T.K.P. Gregg, K. Gwinner, and J. Raitala, 2007, Hadriaca Patera: Insights into its volcanic history from Mars Express High Resolution Stereo Camera, J. Geophys. Res., 112, E10004, doi:10.1029/2007JE002924.
Bleacher, J.E., R. Greeley, D.A. Williams, S.R. Cave, and G. Neukum, 2007, Trends in effusive style at the Tharsis Montes, Mars, and implications for the development of the Tharsis province, J. Geophys. Res., 112, E09005, doi:10.1029/2006JE002873.
Williams, D.A., L.P. Keszthelyi, D.A. Crown, W.L. Jaeger, and P.M. Schenk, 2007, Geologic mapping of the Amirani-Gish Bar region of Io: Implications for the global geologic mapping of Io, Icarus, 186, 204-217.
Bleacher, J.E., R. Greeley, D.A. Williams, S. Werner, G. Neukum, 2007, Olympus Mons, Mars: Inferred changes in late Amazonian-aged effusive activity from lava flow mapping of Mars Express High Resolution Stereo Camera data, J. Geophys. Res., 112, E04003, doi:10.1029/2006JE002826, 2007.
Williams, D.A., and R.R. Howell, 2006, 7. Active volcanism: Effusive eruptions, in Io After Galileo: A New View of Jupiter’s Volcanic Moon, R.M. Lopes and J.R. Spencer, eds., Springer/Praxis Publishing, Chichester, UK, p. 133-162.
Williams, D.A., L.P. Keszthelyi, P.M. Schenk, M.P. Milazzo, R.M.C. Lopes, J.A. Rathbun, and R. Greeley, 2005, The Zamama-Thor region of Io: Insights from a synthesis of mapping, topography, and Galileo spacecraft data, Icarus, 177, 69-88.
Greeley, R., R. Arvidson, J.F. Bell III, P. Christensen, D. Foley, A. Haldemann, R.O. Kuzmin, G. Landis, L.D.V. Neakrase, G. Neukum, S.W. Squyres, R. Sullivan, S.D. Thompson, P.L. Whelley, D. Williams, and the HRSC and Athena Science Teams, 2005, Martian variable features: New insight from the Mars Express orbiter and the Mars Exploration Rover, Spirit, J. Geophys. Res., 110, E06002, doi:10.1029/2005JE002403.
Williams, D.A., R. Greeley, E. Hauber, K. Gwinner, G. Neukum, 2005, Erosion by flowing Martian lava: New insights for Hecates Tholus from Mars Express and MER data, J. Geophys. Res., 110, E05006, doi:10.1029/2004JE002377.
Greeley, R., B.H. Foing, H. McSween, G. Neukum, P. Pinet, M. Van Kan, S.C. Werner, D.A. Williams, T.E. Zegers, 2005, Fluid lava flows in Gusev Crater, Mars, J. Geophys. Res., 110, E05008, doi:10.1029/2005JE002401.
Lopes, R.M.C., and D.A. Williams, 2005, Io after Galileo, Rep. Prog. Phys., 68, 303-340.
Schenk, P.M., and D.A. Williams, 2004, A potential thermal erosion lava channel on Io, Geophys. Res. Lett., 31, L23702, doi:10.1029/2004GL021378.
Turtle, E.P., L.P. Keszthelyi, A.S. McEwen, J. Radebaugh, M. Milazzo, D. Simonelli, P. Geissler, D.A. Williams, J. Perry, W.L. Jaeger, K.P. Klaasen, H.H. Breneman, T. Denk, C.B. Phillips, and the Galileo SSI Team, 2004, The Final Galileo SSI Observations of Io: Orbits G28-I33, Icarus, 169/1, pp. 3-18.
Williams, D.A., P.M. Schenk, J.M. Moore, L.P. Keszthelyi, E.P. Turtle, W.L. Jaeger, J. Radebaugh, M.P. Milazzo, R.M.C. Lopes, and R. Greeley, 2004, Mapping of the Culann-Tohil region of Io from Galileo imaging data, Icarus, 169/1, pp. 80-97.
Lopes, R., L. W. Kamp, W.D. Smythe, P. Mouginis-Mark, J. Kargel, J. Radebaugh, E. P.Turtle, J. Perry, D.A. Williams, R.W. Carlson, S. Douté, 2004, Lava Lakes on Io? Observations of Io’s Volcanic Activity from Galileo during the 2001 fly-bys. Icarus, 169/1, pp. 140-174.
Williams, D.A., S.D. Kadel, R. Greeley, C.M. Lesher, and M.A. Clynne, 2004, Erosion by flowing lava: Geochemical evidence in the Cave Basalt, Mount St. Helens, Washington, Bulletin of Volcanology, 66 (2), doi:10.1007/s00445-003-0301-2.
Kargel, J., R. Carlson, A. Davies, B. Fegley, A. Gillespie, R. Greeley, R. Howell, K.L. Jessup, L. Kamp, L. Keszthelyi, R. Lopes, T. MacIntyre, F. Marchis, A. McEwen, M. Milazzo, J. Perry, J. Radebaugh, L. Schaefer, N. Schmerr, W. Smythe, J. Spencer, D. Williams, J. Zhang, and M. Zolotov, 2003, Extreme volcanism on Io: Latest insights at the end of the Galileo era, Eos, 84, #33, 313-318.
Williams, D.A., J. Radebaugh, L.P. Keszthelyi, A.S. McEwen, R.M.C. Lopes, S. Douté, and R. Greeley, 2002, Geologic mapping of the Chaac-Camaxtli region of Io from Galileo imaging data, J. Geophys. Res., 107 (E9), 5068, doi:10.1029/2001JE001821.
Spencer, J.R., F. Bagenal, A.G. Davies, I. de Pater, F. Herbert, R.R. Howell, L.P. Keszthelyi, R.M.C. Lopes, M.A. McGrath, M.P. Milazzo, J. Moses, J. Perry, J. Radebaugh, J.A. Rathbun, N.M. Schneider, G. Schubert, W. Smythe, R.J. Terrile, E.P. Turtle, and D.A. Williams, 2002, The Future of Io Exploration, in The Future of Solar System Exploration, 2003-2013: Community Contributions to the NRC Solar System Exploration Decadal Survey, M.V. Sykes, ed., Astron. Soc. Pac. Conf. Ser., v. 272, 201-215.
Williams, D.A., A.G. Davies, L.P. Keszthelyi, and R. Greeley, 2001, The July 1997 eruption at Pillan Patera on Io: Implications for ultrabasic lava flow emplacement, J. Geophys. Res., 106, 33,105-33,119.
Williams, D.A., R. Greeley, R.M.C. Lopes, and A.G. Davies, 2001, Evaluation of sulfur flow emplacement on Io from Galileo Data and numerical modeling, J. Geophys. Res., 106, 33,161-33,174.
Keszthelyi, L.P., A.S. McEwen, C.B. Phillips, M. Milazzo, P.E. Geissler, D.A. Williams, E. Turtle, J. Radebaugh, D. Simonelli, and the Galileo SSI Team, 2001, Imaging of volcanic activity on Jupiter’s moon Io by Galileo during GEM and GMM, J. Geophys. Res., 106, 33,025-33,052.
Davies, A.G., L.P. Keszthelyi, D.A. Williams, C.B. Phillips, A.S. McEwen, R.M. Lopes-Gautier, W.D. Smythe, L.A. Soderblom, and R.W. Carlson, 2001, Thermal signature, eruption style, and eruption evolution at Pele and Pillan on Io, J. Geophys. Res., 106, 33,079-33,103.
Williams, D.A., R.C. Kerr, C.M. Lesher, and S.J. Barnes, 2001, Analytical/numerical modeling of komatiite lava emplacement and thermal erosion at Perseverance, Western Australia, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 110/1-2, p. 27-55.
Greeley, R., P.H. Figueredo, D.A. Williams, F.C. Chuang, J.E. Klemaszewski, S.D. Kadel, L.M. Prockter, R.T. Pappalardo, J.W. Head III, G.C. Collins, N.A. Spaun, R.J. Sullivan, J.M. Moore, D.A. Senske, B.R. Tufts, T.V. Johnson, M.J.S. Belton, and K.L. Tanaka, 2000, Geologic mapping of Europa, J. Geophys. Res., 105, p. 22,559-22,578.
Williams, D.A., S.A. Fagents, and R. Greeley, 2000, A reevaluation of the emplacement and erosional potential of turbulent, low-viscosity lavas on the Moon, J. Geophys. Res., 105, p.20,189-20,206.
Pinkerton, H., D.A. Williams, S.A. Fagents, L.M. Prockter, P.M. Schenk, 2000, Exotic lava flows, p. 207-243, In Environmental Effects on Volcanic Eruptions: From Deep Ocean to Deep Space, (J.R. Zimbelman and T.K.P. Gregg, eds.), Plenum Press, New York, 260 pp.
Williams, D.A., L. Keszthelyi, and J. Stansberry, 2000, New Io data spurs discussion on ultrabasic lavas, Eos v. 81, #22, p. 249.
McEwen, A.S., M.J.S. Belton, H.H. Breneman, S.A. Fagents, P. Geissler, R. Greeley, J.W. Head, G. Hoppa, W.L. Jaeger, T.V. Johnson, L. Keszthelyi, K.P. Klaasen, R. Lopes-Gautier, K.P. Magee, M.P. Milazzo, J.M. Moore, R.T. Pappalardo, C.B. Phillips, J. Radebaugh, G. Schubert, P. Schuster, D.P. Simonelli, R. Sullivan, P.C. Thomas, E.P. Turtle, D.A. Williams, 2000, Galileo at Io: Results from high-resolution imaging, Science 288, 1193-1198.
Williams, D.A., A.H. Wilson, and R. Greeley, 2000, A komatiite analog to potential ultramafic materials on Io, J. Geophys. Res., 105, 1671-1684.
Williams, D.A., R.C. Kerr, and C.M. Lesher, 1999, Thermal and fluid dynamics of komatiitic lavas associated with magmatic Ni-Cu-(PGE) sulphide deposits, in R.R. Keays, C.M. Lesher, P.C. Lightfoot, and C.E.G. Farrow (Editors), Dynamic Processes in Magmatic Ore Deposits and their Application in Mineral Exploration, Geological Association of Canada Short Course, v. 13, p. 367-412.
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Williams, D.A., R. Greeley, G. Neukum, R. Wagner, S.D. Kadel, 1995, Multispectral studies of western limb and farside maria from Galileo Earth-Moon Encounter 1, J. Geophys. Res. 100, 23,291-23,299.
Williams, D.A., and S.D. Kadel, 1995, Galileo Imaging Observations of the Palus Epidemiarum Region of the Moon, The Compass of Sigma Gamma Epsilon, 71, 81-95.
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