SLIDE COLLECTION: Russian Marsokhod Rover
Field Test at Kilauea, Hawaii, 1995
Slide Set Overview:
“Marsokhod” is the name given to an experimental Russian rover. It was tested in the field at the Kilauea Volcano, in Hawaii, 1995.
The 1″ x 1.25″ slides have been scanned at a resolution of 3600 dpi with a minimal amount of processing.
The original 4 page slide set document was scanned and produced as a downloadable PDF.
Marsokhod Kilauea Field Test, 1995
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Marsakhod Kilauea Field Test Slide Set:
The relative sizes of Saturn and the Earth.
Color photograph of Saturn and its rings, taken by the 61″ telescope at the U. of Arizona’s Mount Lemmon Observatory on March 11, 1974.
Artist’s conception of Pioneer 11 approaching the ringed planet on Sept. 1, 1979.
Saturn from 3,500,000 km (2,170,000 mi.) on August 28, 1979.
The moon Titan seen for the first time by spacecraft on Aug. 27, 1979, from about 370,150 km (230,000 mi.)
Image taken by Pioneer 11 as it closes on Saturn and its rings for a close encounter September 1, 1979.
58 hours before Pioneer 11 flies by Saturn after a billion plus mile trip from Earth that started in 1973.
The best view yet available of Saturn and its rings, taken by Pioneer 11, from a distance of 2,500,000 km (1,500,000 mi.) on August 29, 1979.
An image of Saturn’s rings by Pioneer shows the structure of Saturn’s ring system in detail.
Saturn’s ring system and its shadow are seen in this view from Pioneer 11 when it was within 1,500,000 km (971,200 mi.)
Pioneer, only 496,000 km (309,200 mi.) from Saturn, made this image of the planet’s equatorial region.
Saturn’s rings clearly show two major divisions: the Cassini Division (dividing the outer A ring from the middle B ring) and the French Division (dividing the Planet’s middle B ring from the inner C ring).
58 hours before Pioneer 11 flies by Saturn after a billion plus mile trip from Earth that started in 1973.
The best view yet available of Saturn and its rings, taken by Pioneer 11, from a distance of 2,500,000 km (1,500,000 mi.) on August 29, 1979.
An image of Saturn’s rings by Pioneer shows the structure of Saturn’s ring system in detail.
Saturn’s ring system and its shadow are seen in this view from Pioneer 11 when it was within 1,500,000 km (971,200 mi.)
Pioneer, only 496,000 km (309,200 mi.) from Saturn, made this image of the planet’s equatorial region.
Saturn’s rings clearly show two major divisions: the Cassini Division (dividing the outer A ring from the middle B ring) and the French Division (dividing the Planet’s middle B ring from the inner C ring).
Marsakhod Kilauea Test Science Slides:
Backlit image of Saturn’s rings with rings and divisions identified.
Diagram showing major features of Saturn and its ring systems.
As Pioneer 10 and 11 leave the solar systen, they carry this plaque with a message which shows when, where and by what kind of beings the spacecraft were launched.
Diagram of Pioneer 11 trajectory.
Diagram of Pioneer 11 ring plane crossing as viewed from earth.
Diagram comparing a proposed model of Saturn’s structure to that of the Earth and Moon.
Backlit image of Saturn’s rings with rings and divisions identified.
Diagram showing major features of Saturn and its ring systems.
As Pioneer 10 and 11 leave the solar systen, they carry this plaque with a message which shows when, where and by what kind of beings the spacecraft were launched.
Diagram of Pioneer 11 trajectory.
Diagram of Pioneer 11 ring plane crossing as viewed from earth.
Diagram comparing a proposed model of Saturn’s structure to that of the Earth and Moon.
Backlit image of Saturn’s rings with rings and divisions identified.
Diagram showing major features of Saturn and its ring systems.
As Pioneer 10 and 11 leave the solar systen, they carry this plaque with a message which shows when, where and by what kind of beings the spacecraft were launched.
Diagram of Pioneer 11 trajectory.
Diagram of Pioneer 11 ring plane crossing as viewed from earth.
Diagram comparing a proposed model of Saturn’s structure to that of the Earth and Moon.
Diagram of a proposed Saturn atmospheric model.
Diagram illustrating distances to the rings and satellites.